Sunday, February 4, 2007

2007, Lets hope for a great year !

I do hope everyone has been enjoying the New Year, I have !!! I am planning to return to Bonaire this coming November 24th , and stay there for 2 weeks this time. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy !!!! ( and I do mean that )

I have been keeping quite busy since the start of the new year as well. Next month will be the divers convention which is held at the Meadowlands convention center each year. I will be on staff again, and can't wait.

Then in April I will be assisting the instructor in the pool with the newbies, and students. That is always fun too, especially when I am asked to demonstrate the "giant stride" , or "back roll" then shortly after classes start, we will be diving in frigid water !!!!

I do hope you all enjoyed this brief update, I am quite busy and must attend to my tasks.

1 comment:

I Dive At Night said...

Wanda, I've searched the entire Internet and you are officially the LAST person to welcome 2007.

Better late than never. Although better never than in 2008. But definitely better late in 2007 than never or in 2008. On time is good too. But late for dinner is the worst.

That's very cool news about helping the newbies. I didn't know you did that. Why not turn it into a DM internship??? (C-cards are sexy!)