Thursday, September 6, 2007

South Carolina.....Diving of course !!

Well my friends I am just about ready to leave for the airport, I will be in Myrtle Beach before 9:pm. First thing tomorrow morning, I am off to the dive shop to confirm my dive plans for Saturday and Sunday. I plan to dive the wreck of the Sherman on Saturday, and not sure what Sundays dives are going to be. I'm so excited.....water temperature 84 degrees....warmer that Bonaire water which was 82 degrees.

Morgan will be glad to know that I have been diving with a friend who is cavern and cave certified and he has been teaching me. The amount of information is crazy, but my skills are almost perfect !!! I have lots more to learn.



I Dive At Night said...

That's just nuts! Why would I be happy to know you're going nutty?

It does sounds like fun though!

J. D. said...

Wanda, Wanda, Wanda! It's scarey even to WATCH cave diving on TV! I think it's a big NO-NO! And, Morgan is doesn't sound, at all, like fun.

Have a great time diving in Myrtle Beach this weekend.

J. D. said...

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha and still chuckling.....I've been thinking all day that it was Thursday. I obviously didn't look at the date. Well, did you have a good time in Myrtle Beach?...Judy